Members of Groby Scout Group took a prominent role in Groby’s Remembrance Sunday events to mark the centenary of the start of World War 1.
More to follow.
Groby Explorer Scouts (Mixed 14-18 year) travelled to Beaudesert Park on Cannock Chase for their week long annual Summer Camp.
We slept in tents, prepared and cooked our own food on wooden fires and participated in a variety of old and new activities.
Throughout the week, when not busy on other activities, the “Special K” project ran. This allowed each of the Explorers to build and craft their own personalised unique bush craft tool – many hours were spent filing, sanding and carving whilst sitting around the fire chatting.
Sunny Sunday was spent …
Members of the public at the Groby Street Fair were challenged by the leaders of Groby Scout Group to take the Kelly Kettle Challenge. The challenge consisted of 3 parts which if successful the participant got some boiling water with which they could make a cup of tea.
The first part of the challenge was to use a sharp knife to whittle a piece of wood to get some wood shavings to use as fuel for the kettle.
The next part of the challenge was light the fire without using any matches …
Leicestershire Fire Brigade Demonstration and Community Day – Sunday 22nd June Greenacres sheltered scheme
On Sunday the 22nd of June the Leicestershire Fire Brigade held a community rescue demonstration with a special invite for the Groby Scouts (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers).
The firefighters allowed some scouts to be trapped in a simulated building fire in Coalville. As the smoke (dry ice) started pouring out of the building from the windows, two appliances with sirens and lights came to the rescue. They deployed their equipment and got to work within seconds of …
On Friday 14th March, after several weeks of preparation and planning, 2 teams of Explorer Scouts from Groby boarded a coach and set off for a secret location. The teams were joining 15 other teams from across Leicestershire to compete in Leicestershire Scouts’ annual hill walking completion, High Adventure. After a stop at a service station the teams soon arrived at the base camp where they pitched their tents and settled down ready for an early start the following morning.
Saturday morning started with a kit check to ensure all of …
For many years the 73rd Leicester (Groby) Scouts Group has had a long waiting list of children wanting to join. The youngest members within scouting are called Beaver Scouts and their age range is between 6 and 8 years old. The current Groby Beavers Colony ‘Great Lake’ is at capacity and always has more children wanting to join than it can manage. Over 75 children appear on the current waiting list to join the Groby Scout Group and almost all of those that are of scouting age, are waiting …
Many thanks to the parents and supporters who came and helped with the HQ maintenance day. We managed to get a lot of jobs done. The grounds, the HQ and particularly the stores are looking a lot better thanks to your efforts.
Members of Groby Scout Group along with the 2nd Groby Guides took a prominent role in the village’s Remembrance Day commemorations. After parading with their flags during the Remembrance service at the parish church, the Scouts and Guides formed a colour party at the village war memorial.
A team from Groby Scout Troop won the Dave Smart Challenge held at the beginning of October. It was a successful weekend as Groby’s other team came 6th out of the 16 teams which took part.
The event took the form of a challenge hike with the teams awarded points for completing various challenges. These included a sack race with 4 Scouts in a builder’s bag, transferring some water between 2 points using guttering, a problem solving challenge and everyone’s favourite, knocking over skittles using a mini digger. The Scouts also …
The Scouts and Guides had a stall at the Groby Street Fair. The aim was to publicise Scouting in Groby and raise money for the proposed Explorer Scout trip to Switzerland in 2015.
The Explorer Scouts had been making key rings and bracelets out of paracord in the preceding weeks. As well as the paracord items and jewellry from Made by Zoe there were a couple of games for the public to have a go at. Typically Scouting was a treasure map of Groby where you had to identify the square …