
Fire Service Demonstration Day

23 June 2014

Leicestershire Fire Brigade Demonstration and Community Day – Sunday 22nd June Greenacres sheltered scheme

On Sunday the 22nd of June the Leicestershire Fire Brigade held a community rescue demonstration with a special invite for the Groby Scouts (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers).


The firefighters allowed some scouts to be trapped in a simulated building fire in Coalville.   As the smoke (dry ice) started pouring out of the building from the windows, two appliances with sirens and lights came to the rescue.  They deployed their equipment and got to work within seconds of arrival, demonstrating just how fast they are and need to be in the event of such emergencies.  Within minutes, the building was being doused by firefighters and some scouting volunteers!  Everyone had a go with the hoses.


One fire-fighting team even demonstrated rescuing a casualty. Eleanor Flude (Explorer and Young leader), was taken through a 2nd floor window and then given emergency oxygen on a flat roof before moving her to safety.

An alternative fire helmetCasualty rescued

After this very exciting demonstration we all travelled back to the new fire station,  where we were treated to a full “VIP access all areas” tour and some explanations of the equipment and how it is used.


Their help in the recent GE Chemical fire is a pertinent reminder of how much our community should value these very brave people.  The Leicester 73rd (Groby) Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Explorer Scouts would like to thank the Leicestershire fire fighting team for their service and for this very special day.

More photos from the event are available in the Gallery section of our website.

Mark Tuff and Jamie Flude Beaver and Cub Scout Leaders.